Thursday, August 20, 2015

Sensory Exploration

One thing we love at the GPPSS Child Development and Preschool Program is Sensory Exploration!! Our Preschool classroom even coined the phrase "Messy Mondays" last school year inviting parents to participate in creating sensory materials and joining in to play!

Sensory exploration sets the stage for open ended, hands on learning. The children create their own experience- deciding how to manipulate the materials, testing out their own theories and exploring concepts of math, science, problem solving, and cooperation. While observing sensory explorations, teachers often hear very descriptive vocabulary words and creative ideas!

Whether it is sifting sand, filling cups of water, sorting colored rice, or drawing in shaving cream, the children's senses are engaged and brain connections are growing stronger and stronger!

We love our Messy Mondays.... and our Messy "Every-Days"!