Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Summer Break

It is hard to believe that summer is winding down. Our program will be closed August 31st-September 7th, so we can prep our classrooms for the new school year. We are looking forward to welcoming new friends on September 8th.

Summer has flown by! We had a blast sharing it with you!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Sensory Exploration

One thing we love at the GPPSS Child Development and Preschool Program is Sensory Exploration!! Our Preschool classroom even coined the phrase "Messy Mondays" last school year inviting parents to participate in creating sensory materials and joining in to play!

Sensory exploration sets the stage for open ended, hands on learning. The children create their own experience- deciding how to manipulate the materials, testing out their own theories and exploring concepts of math, science, problem solving, and cooperation. While observing sensory explorations, teachers often hear very descriptive vocabulary words and creative ideas!

Whether it is sifting sand, filling cups of water, sorting colored rice, or drawing in shaving cream, the children's senses are engaged and brain connections are growing stronger and stronger!

We love our Messy Mondays.... and our Messy "Every-Days"!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Garden Update

Our garden project has taught us so much this summer! Together, the children have learned what it takes to care for plants, where food comes from, and how to work as a team! They shared the responsibilities of weeding, watering and reaping the harvest. Seeing their excitement as tomatoes turned from green to red was such a great moment!

The children enjoyed tasting various vegetables at snack time, and even made Kale Chips one afternoon. An abundance of zucchini allowed us to explore all of its' properties- through observation, cutting open, and even using zucchini as an art manipulative. Zucchini paintings were a hit in our Toddler Two and Preschool Prep classrooms.

We are looking forward to exploring what will come next for our garden project. We've definitely been enriched by the beautiful space, and the authentic experiences in nature. Thank you to the staff members who work on our Garden Committee, and also to the many families who donated items for the project. It was truly a team effort!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


This morning, Mr. Ron the Bubble Man visited our school to dazzle us with a bubble show! The children were so excited to see giant bubbles, bubbles inside of bubbles, and bubbles filled with fog! Our Pre-K teacher, Ms. Stephanie, assisted Mr. Ron in making a friendship bubble, and also a bubble teddy bear. We learned about what makes bubbles pop and how they change shape.

We are collecting empty Gatorade type bottles, so we can make our own foam blowers just like Mr. Ron! If you have any empty bottles, please turn them in to your child's teacher! Thank you!!