Friday, June 12, 2015

Welcome Jug Brothers!

We were so honored this morning to welcome live music from The Jug Brothers! Mr. Gordon and Mr. Glenn performed a musical set in each of our classrooms. It was hit with every age group- Infants through Pre-K! For some children, this was their first time hearing a live guitar and banjo. The brothers performed The Hokey Pokey, Twinkle Star, Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Chicken Dance, and many others!  Children were clapping, dancing and moving along to the beat. We truly value the experience of live music in our classrooms!

We want to send a warm thank you to the Jug Brothers for enriching our morning with the beauty of live music. Being able interact with, and incorporate movement to the songs, made our experience so much richer.You are welcome at our school any time!